The Rise of Scrub Daddy

You’ve probably met this bright, smiling face — it’s the internet’s favorite sponge: Scrub Daddy!

But did you know that the car wash industry nearly scrubbed it out of existence?

Read time: 2.2 minutes

It all starts with Aaron Krause and his disgusting hands.

He works at a car wash. And not behind the desk. He’s hands-on, literally scrubbing cars until his hands are full of gunk and crust.

Most people would grab some soap and rinse up. 

But for Aaron… that’s not good enough. He figures there has to be a way to get his hands ACTUALLY clean.

And he realizes it’s not about finding the right soap… it’s about finding the right sponge. 

Eventually, he finds a special foam from Germany that’s amazing for cleaning — it hardens under cold water and softens under warm water, making it perfect for getting his hands clean.

He crafts himself a sponge with two finger holes and a thumb ridge. And voilà! The first Scrub Daddy.

He shows it to his company, but they’re not interested. Turns out, car wash companies don’t care how dirty their employees’ hands get. So Aaron’s forgets about his amazing sponges. 

Fast-forward a few years, and Aaron’s hanging out in his living room… when he spills a drink. 

He scrambles to clean up the mess, and digging through his cleaning supplies he pulls out… Scrub Daddy.

He starts cleaning and realizes this sponge is magic. 

It’s a total powerhouse in the kitchen.

He has a lightbulb moment. This isn’t for carwashes. This is for everybody

Aaron rebrands it for household cleaning and, with a boost from Shark Tank, turns Scrub Daddy into a global hit.

Today? Scrub Daddy rakes in $220 million in sales a year.

Here’s your takeaway: sometimes, your best ideas come from unexpected moments.

And when one industry shuts you down, another might be the perfect fit!

Persistence, a bit of luck, and, in this case, a smiley face can go a long way.

Thanks for reading!

— The Business Stories Team

P.S. Want to see the story in action? Check out the video!

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